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py310-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.10
py311-html-docs HTML documentation for Python 3.11
py312-html-docs HTML documentation for Python 3.12
py313-html-docs HTML documentation for Python 3.13
py39-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.9
python27 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python310 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python311 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python312 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python313 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python39 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
qbe Compiler backend
qore Embeddable multithreaded scripting language
qt6-qtdeclarative Qt6 module for the QML language
qt6-qtlanguageserver Qt6 language server implementation
qt6-qtscxml Qt6 module for scxml language support
quickjs Quick JavaScript interpreter
R-cpp11 C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
R-RcppTOML 'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for Tom's Obvious Markup Language
R-sourcetools Tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
racket Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
racket-textual Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
rakudo Perl 6 reference implementation
rcfunge Funge interpreter
rexx-imc Implementation of IBM's REXX scripting language
rexx-regina Implementation of the REXX language
ruby Wrapper package for Ruby programming language
ruby-coffee-script Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
ruby-coffee-script-source Little language that compiles into JavaScript
ruby-cucumber-gherkin Gherkin parser/compiler for Ruby
ruby-dig_rb (V) Array/Hash/Struct#dig backfill for ruby
ruby-doc-stdlib Ruby Standard Library Documentation
ruby-execjs Run JavaScript code from Ruby
ruby-libv8 (V) Ruby distribution wrapper for the V8 JavaScript engine
ruby-rkelly-remix JavaScript parser
ruby-table_print (V) Turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading
ruby-therubyracer (V) Embedded V8 Javascript
ruby31 Ruby programming language 3.1.0 meta package
ruby31-base Ruby 3.1.6 release minimum base package
ruby32 Ruby programming language 3.2.0 meta package
ruby32-base Ruby 3.2.6 release minimum base package
ruby33 Ruby 3.3.6 release package
runawk AWK wrapper that provides support for modules
rust Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust-bin Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
rust176 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust176-bin Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
sablevm SableVM free Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath-gui Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine (GUI libraries)
sather Compiler for the Sather object oriented programming language
sbcl SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation
scala Multi-paradigm programming language
scala-sbt Interactive build tool for Scala language
scheme48 The Scheme Underground implementation of R5RS
scm Portable scheme interpreter
see JavaScript interpreter and runtime library in C
sigscheme R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
siod Small-footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
smallbasic-gui (V) SmallBASIC with GUI
smalltalk GNU Smalltalk: A smalltalk-80 implementation
smlnj Popular functional language from Bell Labs
smlnj11072 Popular functional language from Bell Labs
snobol Macro implementation of SNOBOL4 in C
spago PureScript package manager and build tool
spark2014 (V) SPARK 2014 toolset
spidermonkey Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spidermonkey185 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spl The SPL Programming Language
squeak Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squeak-vm Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
sr The SR language compiler and run time system
sr-examples The SR language compiler and run time system
stalin Aggressively optimizing Scheme compiler
STk Scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package
sun-jdk7 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Development Kit (JDK) 7u80
sun-jre7 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7u80
surgescript Scripting language for games
swi-prolog ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler suite
swi-prolog-jpl JPL package for SWI Prolog
swi-prolog-lite ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
swi-prolog-packages Packages for SWI Prolog
syx (V) Free and portable smalltalk implementation
tcl Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-expect Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
tcl-otcl MIT Object Tcl
tcl85 Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcltutor Learn Tcl interactively
tclx Extension to Tcl
tinyscheme R5RS small embeddable scheme implementation
ucblogo UCB (Berkeley) Logo interpreter
umb-scheme UMB Scheme interpreter
utilisp UTI Lisp
vala Compiler for the GObject type system
vscm Portable scheme implementation
vslisp Embeddable Lisp library and standalone interpreter
wasi-compiler-rt LLVM runtime libraries for WASI/WebAssembly
wasi-libc libc for WebAssembly programs built on top of WASI
wasi-libcxx C++ Standard Librares (libc++/libc++abi) for WASI/WebAssembly
wsbasic Simple BASIC interpreter